“Active visualization is a powerful tool in being true to yourself and living your values.” – Dr. Michael Haggstrom
In this article:
Craving More from Life?
Feeling caught up in a whirlwind of anxiety, fatigue, or negativity?
Here’s the deal: Ask yourself, “What’s not working in my life?”
Those irritations, weariness, and concerns are flashing signals that something’s out of alignment with your core values and aspirations. They’re nudging you toward a BETTER PATH – one that resonates with your authentic self.
But here’s the twist
Dwelling on the negative only cements what’s not working. INSTEAD, channel your energy into transforming the negative into a POSITIVE CURRENT flowing toward what you truly desire in life. This is where active visualization comes into play. Let me show you how.
“Your mind is your greatest asset or your worst liability.
Learning how to free your mind from negativity is the greatest gift you can give yourself.”
– Dr. Michael Haggstrom
1. Checklist Your Desires
So, here’s what I want you to do. See the checklist below?
Take a few seconds and check off any that apply to you.
☐ love
☐ fun
☐ relationship pleasure
☐ work satisfaction
☐ relaxation – travel, time to rest
☐ organization – less chaos, more control
☐ money – financial security, success
☐ peace – less conflict, less anxiety
☐ respect – at work, with family, friends
☐ strength – physically, mentally, emotionally
☐ health
☐ other? ______________

2. Enter into Visualization
Pick one of your desires and find a comfortable place to sit.
Close your eyes, inhale deeply, and immerse yourself in visualizing the change you desire. Slow down your racing thoughts. Keep visualizing.
Focus on your breathe and let the essence of this new reality seep into your mind and body. Breathe deliberately, and as you do, let a smile emerge on your face as you continue to visualize and long for this desire to come into your life.
Repeat until you’re able to truly sit with this one desire in a relaxed manner. You don’t need to force it. It’s already a part of you.
3. Translate Vision into an Actionable Step
As you wrap up your active visualization, grab a pen and paper. Write down the first thoughts that come to mind about where you want to take your life. Include what you envisioned and how it felt.
Describe it with a vivid image: “I see myself excited as I…” (fill in the blank). Craft a concrete image, something that is possible to work toward.
But don’t stop there. Alongside that image, jot down one actionable step that you can take right away to move in that direction. Keep it simple, doable, and immediate – nothing too complex or elaborate.
THINK: “book a mountain getaway,” “cook a nourishing meal,” “bond with the kids,” “tackle the paperwork,” “hit the gym,” “pitch an idea to the boss,” “coffee catch-up with a friend,””take a much needed nap,””enrol in an online course,” “plan a date night,” “read a self-help chapter.”

4. Being Proactive – Desire to Action
Now, the secret sauce: Take action! Pick one action that can be executed in the here and now – something uncomplicated. Complexity is the enemy of meaningful progress.
Something like, “I will enroll in that online course; book a trip to the mountains; take a lunch break and eat something healthy; spend time playing with my kids tonight; organize the paperwork; go to the gym; talk to the boss about a raise; call up a friend to go out for coffee; organize a date; read a chapter in a self-help book.”
Now, commit to the action. it will seem small in light of your bigger vision, but don’t discount it. Savour the flow. Savour the action and feel back into your vision. You may not have arrived yet, but you’re one small step toward it.
Remind yourself that where you’re at today is good. Refuse to feel frustrated about not yet arriving.
Remember: Success is built upon small incremental changes.
Living a more purposeful life
Turning negativity into positive flow requires practice, a new mindset. A positive mind can create a world of incredible possibilities.
A negative mind will deplete your energy and hold you back. When I get up in the morning, I ask myself… What mind will I choose to live in today?
So tomorrow morning, notice what mind your wake up with and be aware that you actually have a choice. This kind of mindfulness goes a long way to a more purposeful and meaningful life.
– Sincerely, Dr. Michael Haggstrom
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